[different but the same] let’s go to the market

So we’re here. And somewhat settled (as much as you can be in four days).

We’re in a ginormous complex with about 18 towers. It’s a small community. If I were the non-adventourous type, I would never – never – have to leave this complex. It has everything (including a pre-school and Botox services at the spa across the street).

Our first to-do was to stock up on food items. So we walked across the street (I like the sound of that) and ventured into the international market/grocery store. It has great stuff from every place around the world. Including some of our all time favorites.

It made me giggle though to see how things are just a little different, but of course the same. And if you look closely at the Snap, Krackle and Pop’s eyes, I’d swear there was more of a ‘slant’ to them than in the States.