[teeny tiny] closet purge

Organized house equals organized mind. Or something like that.

And I believe it 110%. But I am a Gemini. And born during the year of the Monkey. Which both indicate that I’m a teeny tiny bit easily distracted. Moving is a great opportunity to start with an un-cluttered slate. So I’ve been seeking online inspiration in getting better organized. The closet seems to be a reoccurring topic, specifically purging of so-three-seasons-ago and ill-fitting garments.

Here are some recurring ideas, sprinkled with a few of my own:

  • Invite a friend(s): an honest friend whose fashion advice you respect; or hire a fashion advisor (yep, you can hire this); or if you want to go it alone, a large mirror
  • Be decisive: create a Yes pile (includes things to alter), a Hell No pile, and a Maybe pile (I’m opting for the Yes and Hell No piles only)
  • Donate, donate, donate: this is a great tax right-off; or if you’re feeling lucky go for consignment
  • Make it fun: music, snacks, wine, yes, yes and yes
  • Inspiration: tape up pictures of looks you like as a guide for what to keep or add to the list (see below)
  • Make a list: this should be a list of things that you now need (post closet purge) to fill in any fashion gaps
  • Clean it up: dust every nook and cranny of your closet; buy new matching hangers (recycle the wire ones with your dry-cleaners); maybe paint a wall (or for you ambitious folks, wallpaper) for a little closet personality

image via: loving. living. small.design cyclr post

[love it] hello rubber, meet road

It’s cruh-aay-zee.

The movers will be here in two days. They’ll be greeted by many clusters of stuff, all in separate rooms. Hubby and I have literally been going through every room, closet and cabinet. “What about this,” “No room,” “Yeah, we’ll need that,” “We can buy a new one,” “Where will it go,” ad nauseum.

Panicking. Just a little. I need to remember to Keep Calm, like the signs say.

Did you know that the Keep Calm and Carry On poster was created by the British Government in 1939? More info here.

images via: Pop Art UK

[love it] less is so satisfying

From sprawling American digs, to snug, efficient city living.

This move has been a great exercise in necessity. And on more than one occasion, I’ve been quite embarrassed by the amount of sh*t we have. What do we really, really – I mean really – need and maintain the same lifestyle? I’ll let you know what I find out in a few months.

So when I found these White Charcoal items at one of my fav online shops, Merchant No. 4, it made me think about my water filter pitcher. It helps in the Michigan house because we’re on well water (yes we have running water and indoor toilets). White charcoal is one of the main ‘ingredients’ in water purifier thing-a-ma-jigs.

Less unnecessary plastic? Sculptural sticks in one of my many glass pitchers (see ‘amount of sh*t’ comment above)? Sounds pretty good to me in my current simplifing-life state of mind.

images via: Merchant No. 4